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Miljøløsninger har en positiv markedsverdi

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), eller forretningsmassig samfunnsansvar, er et tema med sterkt økende oppmerksomhet internasjonalt. CSR er basert på at bedrifter i økende grad vil hente sin konkurransekraft ut fra hvordan bedriften opptrer i forhold til omgivelsene.

Argument har undersøkt norske topplederes kunnskaper og holdninger til CSR gjennom en spørreundersøkelse blant topplederne i Norges 300 største selskaper. Svarene fra toppsjefene viser at 91 prosent mener at det vil øke bedriftens lønnsomhet å ta et tydeligere samfunnsansvar.

Financial Times skriver i en artikkel 12.mars 2003, at en rangering av virksomheter i forhold til deres samfunnsansvar gir sterke reaksjoner fra bedriftslederne. Dette kan tyde på at denne type rangering anses å påvirke virksomhetens omdømme og lønnsomhet.

Anger at Corporate Responsibility Index
Financial Times 12.03.03

Business in the Community has provoked anger from companies who were given poor scores in the charity's first corporate responsibility index, which was published today. The league table of 122 companies, including 53 of the FTSE 100, scores businesses on how well they measure and integrate responsible practices affecting the environment, the marketplace, the workplace and the community. The table has five divisions. Patrick Mallon, director of corporate responsibility and benchmarking at BITC, said it was encouraging that so many companies had taken part in the voluntary benchmarking exercise. But he added: "We've had all sorts of chairmen and chief executives in an absolute rage about their relative performance. Some companies are saying: 'It's outrageous. We can't believe we're in the fifth quintile'. "He said their reaction was "healthy" and would drive better performance next year.


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